Blessing of good health; the greatest wealth.

Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing

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A deeper journey into Holistic Health


For thousands of years Eastern cultures have talked about the physical and mental health benefits of hugging trees and being in contact with forests. Zen is one of the doctrines that gives the highest value to the cleansing power of nature. “Tree therapy” is a field of alternative medicine that employs trees and forests as a source of cleansing. Almost all plants have a lot of negative ions within them. So, getting in contact with them actually helps to clean out electromagnetic toxins and our state of mine will improve! From this point of view, contact with electronic devices and the stress they come with fills our bodies up with positive ions. In these scenarios, it’s like the body’s turned into a walking transformer. This makes us feel fatigued, irritable, in low spirits, depressed, and lacking in energy. Just the fact of putting ourselves in contact with the forest neutralizes all that. And hugging a tree, that does even more.

Walking barefoot on grass, ground, sand and hugging trees provides a grounding effect, are practices we recommend specifically for people who feel nervous and insecure.

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D-I-Y daily nasal cleansing taught to us by a ENT specialist from Mt E

I was introduced to this D-I-Y home treatment by a ENT specialist from Mt Elizabeth hospital after I had a severe throat and ear sharp pain issue due to too much chlorine at one stage of life. My son and I, we witnessed an x-ray (tiny tube through my nose) how disgusting an infection could be, big bloody ulcers almost out of reach deep inside. Since then, I swear by this. It speeds up recovery!

Jasper and Hermione are trained to habitually almost every alternate days do nasal cleansing since young and more frequent when necessary (hazy days / nose discomforts / cold and flu / dry hard mucous / daily cleansing if mommy not too lazy) and both got the hang of it. Discomfort though but they see for themselves the discharges that oozed out. Hahahhahaaa Anyway the feeling after is really good, so clean! You can just feel it.


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First I taught my son at a young age. Then I taught my daughter also start at a young age.