Essential oils (abbreviated as ‘EOs’) are expensive! Some are honestly way more expensive than others, beyond affordability to the masses. To no surprise the rose oil from the grocery store is actually a “fragrance oil”, is not genuine, and is much cheaper than what you can buy the genuine essential oil.

So, why are some essential oils so much more expensive than others?

Several factors play apart; these include the quality of the oils, labor, transportation and storage costs, and essential oil yield.

Rose oil is expensive partly because the yield of oil from this plant is so low. This means you’d need 5,000 kilos of roses to produce 1 kilo of rose oil. Most essential oils have yielded about 75 times more. Another factor with rose oil is that harvesting is labor-intensive. Oils of oranges, lavender flowers and peppermint can be harvested by machines that are fast and efficient but each rose blossom has to be picked by hand and this also affects cost.

So, can someone on a budget still enjoy the therapeutic effects of essential oils?

The honest answer is YES! You can learn, and make decisions that help you use the essential oils you can afford the most effectively. If you understand essential oils and their therapeutic properties, you can usually find alternative oils that are more sustainable options and therefore more affordable. So, depending on the properties you are looking for, you might be able to use Palmarosa or Geranium / Rose Geranium or Clary Sage oil instead of Rose oil.

Inside my course, [Discover Aromatherapy and ‘The Blending Wheel’ For An Effective Therapeutic Experience]. You’ll learn to analyze Aromatherapy and Essential Oils; it’s Benefits and Risks, Dilution, Inhalation and Topical methods, Shelf life and Storage, formulate effective therapeutic synergies using a layman’s ‘The Blending Wheel’ chart for everyday purposes. Just about all the very basics you need to know in a fun learning way to safely practice aromatherapy and nothing more texting unless you are heading towards a formal qualification, in any ways this might be a good stepping foundation stone.

So NOW you know the money you do spend on EOs will be well-spent! What are you waiting for? Join me, hop on the holistic journey wagon to DIY self-care complementary therapy and medicines.

The main objective of holistic alternative medicine is in maintaining good health which includes boosting the immune system, eliminating toxins from the body and keeping in check of the body’s self-healing mechanism in the most natural way. 

Aromatherapy is NOT a cure, it is a complementary and alternative traditional medicine that supports our body’s natural healing process and promotes well-being. When in doubt, always seek professional advice.

The 10 Essential Oils to start with :

  1. Frankincense EO
  2. Lavender EO
  3. Tea Tree EO
  4. Lemon EO
  5. Orange Sweet EO
  6. Peppermint EO
  7. Roman Chamomile EO
  8. Ginger EO
  9. Grapefruit EO
  10. Eucalyptus EO (know the 5 species!)


Mark Twain